THE WATCHERY wishes all its customers, past, present and future the very best on this July

Fireworks mark the day in crackling splendor, Americans spend time with family around barbecues and along the country's shores. It is a day of relaxation and a day to remember all those who fought to make this day happen.
THE WATCHERY is celebrating this Historic day giving away a Seth Thomas Clock with a purchase over $400.00. Seth Thomas is entrenched deeply in American History as it is America's oldest Clockmaker, since 1813. Founded not long after the Declaration of Independence. The clocks are distinct with classic lines and wood hues, and nostalgic patterns.
Take the time you need to browse THE WATCHERY's intricate website, where you are able to narrow down your criteria by the smallest detail. In addition zoom in for a closer look at your favourites luxury watch choice.
Finally enjoy your Holiday and make a memory in time.