This Exquisitely crafted Luxury Watch By Corum houses a Perpetual Calender.
“A Perpetual Calender?” You may ask, sure you must know what it means, but cannot quite bring the information to the forfront of your mind. Well let me jog your memory a bit, and maybe add to the gaps, if any, you may have.
A Perpetual Calender provides the date, day, month while automatically making allowances for the different lengths of each month as well as leap years. A timepiece of this type may also display the moon phase.
This tiny function is a watchmaking masterpiece. Mechanical watches have no computer chip that can spit our information; mechanical watches rely solely on the ingenious crafting of tiny parts working in a symphony of movement. In light thereof, our Gregorian Calender with months of 28,30 or 31 days proved quite a challenge. Not to mention the leap years. Most watches have a simple calender that must be manually adjusted five times a year after each month with 31 days. The Perpetual Calender, on the other hand, will display the correct date, taking into account the different lenghts and the leap year. To accomplish this task,the movement draws on a “mechanical memory” of 1,461 days or four years. A majority of the Pepetual Calender mechanisms utilize a differential gear mechanism from the hour wheel. This mechanism can comprise of several hundred gears, levers, and other parts.
The perpetual Calender has its origins as far back as the late eighteenth century, and it still remians a classic. Watchmakers continually glean new inspiration from the perpetual calender. They are constantly attempting to perfect the mechanism by slimmer more compact versions as well as finding new innovative ways for displaying the multiple indications provided by the perpetual calender.
However, on March 1st 2100, please keep in mind that your Luxury Watch will have to be adjusted by one day. Now before you decide to return this watchmakers masterpiece, please keep in mind that the one day adjustment is not the fault of the watchmaker, but a “bug” in the Gregorian Calender. The Gregorian Calender rules that three centuries out of four will not be a leap year.