The incentive for accurate time keeping stemmed from man's sea voyageswhere finding a precise timekeeping instrument was a matter of life and death.Man's struggle to determine longitude spanning four centuries, fueled the inventions of precise timekeepers. Timepieces which lost time, lost men at sea, as they were unable to calculate their location and wandered among invisible lines of longitude weaving in and out of degrees.The 1600's and 1700's were perilous. Fleets of ships' sent out by hungry sovereigns on world exploration and to trade silks and spices were unable to determine their location. Some found land, some were too late spilling their scurvy riddled sailers onto an unmarked shore, others wandered aimlessly 20 degrees off coarse, some sunk in dark unforgiving waters. On October 22, 1707, four British Men 'O War sank just off the Cornish Coast. 2000 men were lost. In 1714, The British Parliament , aggravated by this obviously needless catastrophe, passed the Longitude Act: A huge sum of money would be awarded to anyone who could invent a way to determine the precise longitude of a ship's location to within less than one degree. (R.Van Halem)
... 300 years later ...
The Tissot Sailing Touch provides crucial weather information for seamen where rogue waves and squalls make sailing treacherous. A Tissot Sailing Touch is thus an extremely beneficial instrument for Functions unique to the Tissot Sailing Touch include an integrated histogram displaying the weather conditions of the previous six hours, as well as a barometer function for measuring relative air pressure. Another useful function for sailors is a calculator indicating the tides at the ports of destination. Simply touch the dial and all this information is available at ones fingertips.
Preparing for a regatta, then the Tissot Sailing Touch gives one definite advantage over the competition. The Tissot Sailing Touch is equipped with a countdown function via beeps and digital display for the crucial ten minutes prior to the race commencement. A host of other functions such as a function for measuring speed over a specified distance; compass; two alarms; two time-zones, a perpetual calender (accounts for leap years), and back lighting.