"It seemed just yesterday her tiny pink fingers wrapped around my finger in a surprisingly strong grip, and I remember her gurgling up at me. Now just look at her, confident and lovely. Its unbelievable, in just a few short weeks she will be gone off to college to face the world alone." You sigh and then gasp as a sudden thought enters your mind,
"I must get her a parting gift, one she will use everyday and love. A gift so unique and useful, she will never leave home without it. But what can I get her? What will she never get tired of? What will she use everyday?"
The answer is a luxury watch. The perfect graduation gift for the perfect daughter. There are many brands to choose from, each brand unique. Your decision must first involve your target price range. Luxury Watches run from the hundreds to the thousands to the tens of thousands and so on. Next you must decide if your daughter would want either an elegant watch, a sporty watch or a truly unique watch befitting her style. Is she artistic, fun, trendy, practical?

If your kid is the more serious type with her foot on the corporate ladder, then a Movado Juro is an excellent choice. Plain yet elegant, the Movado Juro ensures a lifetime of dedication.
For that really girly girl daughter of yours, Movado has a tremendous number of options. Some with diamonds sure to bring a dimpled smile to her face. The

The price of the Movado Collection Watch has been reduced to just 50% of the list price. Now available for just $1,798.00. Compute that amount over a lifetime of wear and the saving is quite vast.
Now what to get for that really creative artsy daughter of yours whose hands are always smudged with charcoal or paint and who seems to have stepped right out of the 70's and into the next millennium. Does

I suggest the highly unique Movado Women's Buleto. The polished stainless steel circle link bracelet is captvating and mysterious. The watch exudes good quality and exceptional craftsmanship. The recessed dial is surrounded by a bold bezel which form the central link of the bracelet. THE WATCHERY Price of $547.00 is a real bargain.

If you have something a little different in mind, possibly a blue dial rather than pink, or a gold bracelet in place of steel, or a dial with numbers then THE WATCHERY can help you. Search the WATCHERY and give the perfect Graduation Gift.